Our Services.

Services for Families/Caregivers

Senior Living Advisor
Caregiver Companion
Melissa's passion is helping families through this difficult journey with their loved ones. A dementia diagnosis can be life changing for the person diagnosed as well as the caregivers.
There isn’t much support after getting the diagnosis from the doctor.
Where do you turn?
What do you do?
How do you even know what you don’t know?
Partner with Melissa to gain valuable education for the family/caregiver and strengthen their understanding about the disease. She can also help identify problems and possible solutions when 'family dynamics' are involved.
"Caregiver Companion” services are specific to each situation and customized for each family on an individual basis.
Having Melissa as your “Caregiver Companion” is like having your very own personal support system. She acts as an advocate and will help you determine what you don’t know in order to educate and support you throughout this entire journey of caring for someone living with dementia.
Melissa helps people/families who are looking to make the move into Independent Living, Assisted Living/Personal Care or Memory Care, to find the right options and fit for their needs, budget and location.
This experience can be very overwhelming, she understands this and is there to help guide families through the whole process.
This is FREE of charge to the family.
How does this work?
She provides her services as a Senior Living Advisor with
Contact her first and she will explain the process to you so you don't have to do go through this experience on your own.

Services for
Healthcare Professionals

Dementia Education & Training

Melissa is a dynamic speaker, skilled at presenting with multiple certifications to deliver difficult topics with ease. She can provide dementia education and training for your staff, professionals in the community, as well as present for your families and the greater community.
Staff walk away from her presentations energized, stating that her training was different than any other they have experienced and that it was explained very well in a way they could understand.
Families in the community are enlightened and have said “it has been three years and no one ever explained this to me like you did, now I finally understand”.
Alzheimer's Disease & Dementia Care Seminar

Enable your staff to take the path to certification as a
Certified Dementia Practitioner.
This is the required seminar for those pursuing certification as a CDP and who qualify to become a CDP.
(To see if they would qualify, please see National Council of Certified Dementia Practitioners at www.nccdp.org.)
They can attend just for the education as well.
Second Wind Dreams Virtual Dementia Tour

This is a scientifically proven method of building a greater understanding of dementia through the use of patented sensory tools and instructions based on research, enabling caregivers to experience for themselves the physical and cognitive challenges those with dementia face.
This program is designed for professional training in an educational setting and for use with the local community to educate and sensitize anyone who interacts with seniors to help change the way we care for those with dementia.
Sales & Marketing Consulting ServicesÂ

Melissa’s knowledge of relationship building has been proven in increasing and maintaining census in Senior Living Communities. She has a strong personal care home/assisted living background and has helped countless families through their hard journeys.
Melissa can provide guidance and leadership while training your teams on the sales process and customer service.
Partner together for sales consulting and receive support to optimize your inquiry, tour and sales processes, increase your occupancy, create a sustainable census, and generate an overall culture change in your community.
Mystery Shops & Sales TrainingÂ
At inSight senior living strategies, customer service is our top priority.
Our services assist senior living operators with the insight needed to enhance their customers' experience.
The result is an improved sales approach which impacts census and strengthens the customers connection.
What we do.
Mystery Shops
Competitor Shops

Self-Paced Training Videos

Understanding Dementia From the Beginning
This video will allow your associates to understand what dementia actually is as well as the differences between dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Additionally, we will take a close look at brain changes, discuss statistics and focus on some of the struggles of family caregivers.
Communicating With Your Residents Living With Dementia
This video introduces and outlines the stages of Alzheimer's disease as well as how communication can be affected. Your associates will walk away with suggestions on how to communicate better, they will understand emotions and how important non-verbal communication is as well as some 'tools' they can use when trying to communicate under difficult or trying circumstances.
Understanding Difficult Behaviors
During this video, your associates will learn that the 'behaviors' of someone living with dementia are a form of communication. They will have an in-depth understanding of some common behaviors as well as why they can occur. Finally, they will get an answer to a big question...when are behaviors a problem?
Connecting While CAREgiving

During this video we will take a deeper look into brain changes, more specifically what the different parts of the brain are responsible for as well as what skills and abilities a person living with dementia may or may not have. Finally, we will be reviewing in detail, each ADL and learning better ways to approach care, making for a happier client/resident and associates.